NaNoWriMo Updates

5 12 2011

So, guess what? You’re officially reading the blog of a 2011 NaNo winner. 🙂


Yes, this past month, I spent writing every single day. Writing and writing and writing…. It got so bad I couldn’t sleep last night because I was having writing withdrawals.


So, over the course of the next few months, I’ll be editing and finishing my novel, polishing it off until I’m satisfied with it. This, of course, is a lot easier with readers to be my exterior editors. Already, a fellow wrimo has responded to my request for readers and I sent a copy off yesterday. But for everyone else, the first six chapters are up on FictionPress and Deviantart, or if you’d rather read the word document itself, leave a way for me to contact you and I’ll send a copy your way. The only thing about that is, there are still some chunks missing that I skipped over during writing. *dodges pots and pans* Sorry, sorry. I’ll get to them, I promise. I just need some time. I skipped over them for a reason: I didn’t know what to say.


But soon enough it’ll be filled in, finished, edited, finished again, and absolutely lovely! Also, I may update my quotes page later and I’ll definitely update my writing page to include Conquest. Until then!


– Amanda



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