9 07 2011

Because I haven’t done it in a while.

So, I have spent an absolutely massive amount of time doing prep-work for my NaNo project coming up this November. I mean, I’ve developed eighteen different countries, discovered some of their history, built up family trees to help keep up with how some of these people are related, created over thirty characters and have probably at least eleven more to go before I’m done. I’ve invented religions, drawn up flags, and taken down notes on events that happened within the last century of their world. Yeah. I’ve been busy.

Sadly, I can’t write down a single word of the actual story until NaNo starts. Which has left me with an insatiable hunger for writing. At last, I’ve decided I might as well write *all around* the NaNo story– the past, the future, etc. I mean, after all, I’ve created over thirty characters! I’ve set up notes on the last century of their world! I’ve got a lot of leeway, here. So, I got bored last night and posted a little short story about one of the character’s great-grandfathers. It’s, of course, not a masterpiece or anything. Just a piece I wrote for my own sake and decided to share with all of you. There will probably be more to come. Enjoy!

And I haven’t forgotten about Absolution, my other novel. I had actually started on the next chapter on it, back in…. February? I re-read what I had written and… it’s pretty good, not gonna lie. But there’s an energy with this NaNo thing and it won’t let me stop. So I’m not fighting it.

I’ve also done a little work with some friends of mine on a new Christian website for youth. We thought it would be good to create some place that could help young Christians better understand their faith and so we’re working on defining certain key concepts. I don’t know when that’ll be up and running, but if anyone’s interested in seeing what’s there so far, I’d be happy to share the link.

So that’s that.

— Amanda



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